Bible Study Basics Download

Bible Study doesn't have to be complicated or a hassle. Knowing a few key questions can totally help streamline your process and help you get the most out of your Bible study time.

This download is made just for you to do that. With some quick tips and tricks you can be on your way to reading the Bible like a seminary student!

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    Meet your Bible Study Partner – Natalia Drumm

    Natalia Drumm is a wife to her high school sweetheart, homeschool mother to three boys and gradute student at Dallas Theological Seminary where she studys Bible Exposition and Theology. She is passionate about encouraging women to grow in their faith and equpping them to study God's Word. Natalia is creator of Girlfriends in the Word™ a Bible study guide series for busy women. To learn more, check out her website: and find the podcast on Apple and Spotify.